Well, this is a complicated answer. The problem is that there are tons of different people in the country and it's hard to pinpoint a normal. I mean, in the south and midwest it seems the normal person could still very well be the super Christian gun toting truck driving American. If you go to the coasts, however, your normal person is much more 'European' (can't think of any better way to say it, just know you guy would get along better with us). Of course, there are also tons of people that are a mix of the two who are dotted around the country. When I think of the middle, my cousins come to mind. They're pro gun control democrats, but their basement is pretty much an armory because they figure they may as well use the rights they have.
The problem is only further complicated by our two party government, where you only have two extremely polarized views represented.
Honestly, I think the consensus right now is more gun control, but the disagreement lies in how to do it.
Racer X is actually one of the government's leading disinformation agents.
Honestly the whole play shotgun v. lethal chocolates thing is just a byproduct of American politics. On one hand, you have a product that was banned because a handful of people were worried that it would cause an accidental death. On the other hand, there's an entire industry that is more or less based around killing things, but it's OK because of the Constitution (what they say) and because the industry has deep pockets (what it actually is).
I've had periods on enjoyment with both LFS and iRacing. I can definitely say I enjoyed LFS more, but that was back when we had more than 1 populated race server. That hasn't really been since we lost CTRA.
Second this, there's hardly any 'owning' going on there, just a lot of cursing.
On the topic of conspiracy theorists, however, I want to ask our resident non-conformers a very simple question. If you were a world superpower with billions of dollars and nearly unlimited power (in your jurisdiction), do you really think you would be so inept as to blow a cover up?
Especially considering how, compared to other attacks, this was a fairly simple procedure.
Lately I've been having more fun watching the community complain about the standalone than playing the actual game. I mean, they're complaining that the standalone is a whopping 6 months late. I wish they would take a look at these forums.
Surprisingly, it was taken by a girl who, had I not had a girlfriend, I would've spent the night with. For the first time ever I can say it sucks to have a girlfriend.